Personal Growth Magazine - Simple Tips to Sustain Your Personal Developments

Life Positive is a body-mind-spirit magazine promoting a holistic understanding of the unity of life and self with an emphasis on personal growth. Life Positive has always spoken on different voices, different views.

Life Positive Personal Growth Magazine covers the beat of spiritual wisdom, techniques, gurus, personal growth therapies, alternative medicine, holistic healers and organizations with insight, accuracy, thoroughness and discrimination. Its orientation, as indicated by the name, is to consciously focus on the positive and ignore the negative. This is based on the spiritual law that what you place your attention on will thrive.

Today’s  Age is fertilized by currents of thought from various fields, including the Third Force humanistic psychology, spearheaded by Abraham Maslow, who concluded that man was driven by a need to actualize himself. This gave rise to the human potential movement, which postulated that man’s purpose for existence was growth and enlightenment.

One needs to have the ability to straddle both the old and the new with harmony, because it is in touch with perennial principles.

Everyone in the world need to  move from religion to spirituality. Today, we realize that science is not the solution to life. Faith in God was dissipated by science but today, people realize that spirituality contains science. Wisdom traditions from around the world are studied and analyzed in the magazine.

Wealth when directed at the larger benefit of society is wealth that will last forever is slowly being recognized. Management books like Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and Anthony Robbins’ Awaken the Giant Within, Many corporates hold personal growth and communication workshops, yoga and meditation for its employees. They have understood that to retain the lead, it is necessary to keep everyone positive and inspired.

Life Positive magazine covers all of this also several success stories to inspire people to make people focus on the positive side of life.

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