One small observation but important. When one of the child in a group does something extraordinary other children react either in a very cold manner or cannot express anything because of being envious.
Here parents can play very important role by guiding them and coaching them. Now the question comes are the parents happy internally with the achievement of other children? If not they won't be able to pass a broad vision to their children. If parents are not able to accept others success, for sure their children will reflect the same pattern. How can all these effect your children's psychology? When parents are not happy with others children's success they start comparing, demoralizing the inner strength by throwing sarcasm, putting undue pressure to perform. Sometimes parents say we don't push our children but internally their emotions build up the repulsive electromagnetic field which reveals everything and children start feeling the pressure from their parents unconsciously.
Actions of parents create chaos in them and they start reacting in different different way. Randomly they pick up something like sports, music to prove everyone, in which they are not at all good and passionate about and they face failure. This way depression sets in children and deep sense of regret, unhappiness, unworthiness, distraction get their way in them.
Dear parents please settle your emotions before you coach your children. Encourage them to explore and to find out their passion rather than following others passion. Allow them to choose their own style of living and being happy. Amen

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