Yoga for Holistic Health

Yoga is predominantly concerned with maintaining a state of equanimity at all costs. Yoga is a synergy of the body, mind and spirit as yoga always maintains that a calm mind with conscious breathing is extremely important for complete wellness.
In Sanskrit, the term 'yoga' stands for 'union'. A yogi's ultimate aim is to be able to attain this 'union' with the Eternal Self with the help of certain mental and physical exercises.
Yoga for complete synergyYoga is a synergy of the body, mind and spirit for holistic health and complete wellness.
The basic idea of yoga is to unite the atma or individual soul with the paramatma or the Universal Soul. According to philosophy of yoga, by cleansing one's mind and controlling one's thought processes one can return to that primeval state, when the individual self was nothing but a part of the Divine Self or the Cosmos itself. This is the sense encapsulated in the term samadhi. The aim of the yogi is to be able to perceive the world in its true light and to accept that truth in its entirety.

In Sanskrit, the term 'yoga' stands for 'union'. Yoga’s ultimate aim is to be able to attain this 'union' with the Eternal Self with the help of certain mental and physical exercises. It is often said that the Cosmic Womb himself had originally advocated the traditional system of yoga, from which all other yoga schools have evolved. But for all extant knowledge of yoga and its practices, such as yoga asanas and pranayama, the entire credit goes to Maharishi Patanjali. It was Maharashi Patanjali who systematized the various yogic practices and traditions of his times by encapsulating them in the form of aphorisms in his Yoga Sutra. Here, he describes the aim of yoga as knowledge of the self and outlines the eight steps or methods of achieving it.
These steps are:
  1. Yamas or eternal vows of Yoga
The most often mentioned Yamas are – Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (non-falsehood, truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Mitahara (non-excess in food, moderation in food), Kshama (non-agitation about suffering, forgiveness), Daya (non-prejudgment, compassion) that really help in stabilising our mind.
These include restraining oneself in one's actions, words and thoughts

Depression and Internal Agony of a Mother

Although each case that we get is unique in nature but this case falls in a special category because it is one of those cases where the client and we didn’t see each other. We handled the complete case through Skype and Whatsapp calls. We always prefer the physical presence of the person whom we are going to heal. But in this case the distance and the situation didn’t allow her to start with the process in person. This case referred by one of the friends and client took a long time back to begin the treatment i.e 2 yrs approximately.
This case is about a daughter who is suffering from depression and  a sense of withdrawal. After discussing the case, we suggested her mother to start with the healing immediately, as we found the situation alarming. But the mother didn’t pay much heed to the solution we offered and left for US.
After a year one midnight received a panic call from the nervous and disturbed mother stating about the situation of her daughter, who tried to commit suicide and caught up in entanglement of Police and mental asylum in US. Whole family was struggling to deal with the sudden crisis and the mother requested to start her daughter’s healing immediately. Looking at the situation, we started coaching her immediately so as to cope up with the crisis.
Instead of working with daughter we started working with mother simultaneously included daughter and son.
One month transformation program, which included healing, coaching and implementation of techniques helped her to move the energy of whole family. Mother was highly receptive and her uplifted energy moved the stuck energy of both the children. Now the daughter is out of medication and son is also stable and clear about his journey. Mother is at peace and able to understand the journey of life.

About The Author
 Chaina Karmakar
Chaina is a gifted clairvoyant whose mission is to educate people to lead an effortless life. She feels that “Life always gives us and human misery comes from seeing the lack in itIt’s our attitude that makes or breaks our life.  Once we understand and imbibe this concept, life becomes choice-less, effort-less.”
Her ability to read the deep psyche of human being helps a person to get healed at faster pace. An efficient Corporate Coach who helps her clients to deal dull corporate culture with sharp alertness and awareness. To solve each and every case is like solving Jigsaw puzzle and that is also with same amount of compassion, energy and patience.
Chaina went through a very tough time at a very tender age. Since her childhood, she always felt interested in mysticism and her intuitions were almost always right. She always felt that she didn’t belong to this material world and it was a constant struggle between her heart and mind. And slowly she started developing lot of physical and emotional level issues. When it came to her work life, she worked just for survival but never felt contented. She always felt that this is not her calling and as if something else is calling her. She would continually ask herself that “Why is she going through all this?”

Child Psychology

One small observation but important. When one of the child in a group does something extraordinary other children react either in a very cold manner or cannot express anything because of being envious.

Here parents can play very important role by guiding them and coaching them. Now the question comes are the parents happy internally with the achievement of other children? If not they won't be able to pass a broad vision to their children. If parents are not able to accept others success, for sure their children will reflect the same pattern. How can all these effect your children's psychology? When parents are not happy with others children's success they start comparing, demoralizing the inner strength by throwing sarcasm, putting undue pressure to perform. Sometimes parents say we don't push our children but internally their emotions build up the repulsive electromagnetic field which reveals everything and children start feeling the pressure from their parents unconsciously.
Actions of parents create chaos in them and they start reacting in different different way. Randomly they pick up something like sports, music to prove everyone, in which they are not at all good and passionate about and they face failure. This way depression sets in children and deep sense of regret, unhappiness, unworthiness, distraction get their way in them.
Dear parents please settle your emotions before you coach your children. Encourage them to explore and to find out their passion rather than following others passion. Allow them to choose their own style of living and being happy. Amen ❤️❤️

Unconscious Parenting : A Child with age of 6 Developed Hypothyroidism

As a healer I always feel before planning a child both the parents should go deeper as raising children is a long term commitment and every one is free to have a child or not to have. With awareness we can raise our children effortlessly and can avert lot of issues which the children develop during their journey because of unconscious parenting. Here sharing one more case very close to my heart and soul....
Unconscious Parenting :
Most of the parents feel that they are the best parents in the world and they know everything about parenting. And to a certain extent, they are right in their attitude because they try to do the best for their children, but unknowingly or out of ignorance they make a lot of mistakes  which damages the  psyche of the child.
We recently handled a case of unconscious parenting. It is a normal phenomenon that when the second child is born, the first one goes through a sense of rejection, internal turmoil, pain and suffering and if all of this is not handled properly, it can be quite detrimental for the psyche of first born.
At this time, first child needs equal or rather more attention and should be included in every activity which revolves around the second one. It is quite obvious that the new born child snatches all the attention of the family specially if new born is a girl child.
Almost all of us are aware about the need of the first child but when it comes to reality, people are unable to handle it properly and the child goes through a deep pain, which, in most of the cases, is not taken that seriously
It is the prime responsibility of the mother to create a sense of security and balance around both children but as she is going through a lot of emotional and physical changes during that time, the onus shifts towards the father and immediate family members to take care of the emotional needs of the first child.
A six years boy went through suffering when newly born little sister entered his territory and his internal agony started with lot of suppression. He felt the absence of his mother and separation from the mother for the first time especially in the night when mother went to the hospital to deliver the second baby.
Although his father was with him but being a submissive child he spent sleepless night without expressing it to his father. After the delivery, the mother was recuperating and became busy with the new born and the little boy felt abandoned and loneliness engulfed him. He became sombre.

Never Ending Thirst for the quest (Case of Schizophrenia)

Would like to share one more interesting experience while dealing with a case of Schizophrenia(as per the doctor's diagnosis), where as i feel its disharmony at Mind-body-emotions layer and that leads to imbalance in electromagnetic field of a person which decides the energy level overall. In gratitude to share my experience with all of you.
Never Ending Thirst for the quest
A case of Schizophrenia:
A 26 years old girl, who was a Journalist by profession, had huge thirst for mysticism. To quench that thirst she started with experimentation on her own. She gathered all the information using search engine to meditate and to gain power. Out of body experience was her fascination and she experienced it couple of times, as she claimed. She was enjoying the experience but all of a sudden things started reversing, fear grips in so badly that she barely had sleep. Hallucination started with suicidal tendency. Parents had to intervene and they get her back to native place and her nightmare started. Parents had sleepless nights in order to protect her as she wanted to end her life. Her imagination and curiosity hand landed her up in loop of mental disorder, Schizophrenia.
In her case, the hopelessness was very high and for her, ending life was the only solution left. As she was competing with herself, anger towards self was at peak. Being very ambitious, she was chasing power. All these things brought together an internal state of turmoil which she couldn’t handle. 

Autism: Autism Spectrum or Children with Special Needs

“Whom, Where Do I Belong To”?

 “Do you understand me”? “Do you accept me the way i am”?
 These children with special needs come to the physical realm (our earth) on a very tough contract. They prefer to be on their own and live life disconnected from material world on their terms and conditions. They don’t want to be disturbed by the external world because the purpose of their life is to experience the inner journey.
These children are born to very mature souls where parents especially mother-son karma is predominant. Mother-daughter cases are few. In all these cases, mother plays an important role and she is on equally tough contract. The role of a mother should be understood by the mother herself. It’s a spiritual internal journey of a mother and child. They both evolve in each other’s presence.
Working with these children always brings a special kind of joy. Mother and child start evolving together as their frequency gets synchronised with each other. It’s a perfect example of unconditional love. Such cases always give some mystical experiences which are beyond explanation and scientific validation.
Working with these children gives us an experience of deep soul level connect, warmth and unconditional love. They are so rich from inside.
 When they come to us, they are so restless in their actions and in their being. The moment we start working on their energies and start grounding the energies, the shift in energy is immediately visible.
In a recent case, where the child had so many issues like speech problem, poor eye contact, restlessness, spinning, banging head, not following any instruction, bedwetting, ill developed toilet habits, appetite issue, frozen emotions. Although his vocal chords are perfectly fine, he never spoke.
 After working with the child and the parents, the child is almost out of all these symptoms. No one can make out that he is a child with special needs. He has started babbling words and the intervention school, which he attends, the grades have improved dramatically. Eye contact improved a lot, and he has started to show emotions. His sitting tolerance is normal now; mother-son relationship improved a lot.
Since July 2015, he is attending one intervention class for special children that include activities for development of gross motor skills and fine motor skills, but our intervention has brought encouraging outcomes/changes. From the day one he started showing calmness as if his soul was waiting for the right channel to heal him.
 For us every case is a mystery. Here in this case, the mystery was in the family DNA, which got downloaded very clearly in meditation. Decoding the mystery was quite encouraging. Once we got the root cause, the healing was very smooth. It was as if the family was paying the karmic debt.

Yoga Magazine - A Lesson of New Life

Every now and then a product picks up some steam and becomes a cult sensation. That has seemed to be the case with a certain under-eye miracle-working serum called Elite. This is a pretty popular product all of a sudden, and the inclusion in Yoga Magazine's Fall Beauty picks was no surprise. The product has been the recipient of a lot media coverage, and adults have enjoyed a lot of success with this breakthrough, cutting-edge formula.

The makers use scientific ingredients, such as cosmeceuticals, in each product they make. The products are formulated with some of the best ingredients from Switzerland and France, and then manufactured near the port of Miami in the United States. This assures quick distribution to the rest of the world along with the safety that goes with using an FDA-inspected facility.

I suffer from puffy eyes, and an Life Positive Magazine like this one can work wonders to reduce the swelling. As we age, eye puffiness and dark circles are two things that tend to be major pains. If they are left untreated, these symptoms of aging can become worse, and become chronic.

Another thing that eye creams do is help reduce sun damage and fine lines (wrinkles) around the corners of the eyes. This is normally done with the inclusion of an ingredient called Argireline. This has been called the best needle free alternative to botox by some skin care insiders. This is because it acts in a fashion to paralyze the wrinkles and keep them from growing deeper into the skin.

As science has evolved, the many makers of skin care products has improved. Companies such Elite have it "figured out," and continue to dominate the market. The anti aging market continues to grow, and as it does, you can count on companies to continue to improve their formulas.

The author is an avid reader of anti aging articles, and he likes to continue to learn more about reversing the signs of aging. You can find more information on the topics on sites like best Yoga Magazines, which is an authority website on the subject of Yoga Magazines.